Wansview app invalid id
Wansview app invalid id

Just after writing the query,double check to make sure it is referencing the correct column name or alias So ORA-00904 error can be avoided by using correct column. – The column name can not be a reserved word. – If the column name uses any other characters, it must be enclosed in double quotation marks. – it may contain following special characters: $, _, and #. – Column name must be made up of alphanumeric characters – The name can not be of more than 30 characters. Also for DML statements like select/update/delete/insert, ORA-00904 can be avoided by making a valid reference to the column name or the alias.Ī valid column name must follow following criteria ORA-00904 can simply be avoided by using the valid column name in create or alter statement. How to avoid the ORA-00904 invalid identifier WHERE UPPER(TABLE_NAME) = 'EXAMPLE_test' We can see that column are stored in case-sensitive manner in the data dictionary SELECT test_id FROM "EXAMPLE_test"* ERROR at line 1: ORA-00904: "TEST_ID": invalid identifier (5) This error can also happen if you happen to create the table with case-sensitive column by using double quotes SQL> CREATE TABLE "EXAMPLE_test"( Select a.test_name from example_tab b * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00904: "A"."TEST_NAME": invalid identifier (4) It happens if you use the wrong alias name select a.test_name from example_tab b Note: we can use reserved keyword by enclosing in inverted commas See here comment is the reserved word, so we get the error Reference: Oracle reserved keywords CREATE TABLE EXAMPLE1_TABĬOMMENT VARCHAR2(1000) * ERROR at line 5: ORA-00904: invalid identifier

#Wansview app invalid id update#

ACCESS ELSE MODIFY START ADD EXCLUSIVE NOAUDIT SELECT ALL EXISTS NOCOMPRESS SESSION ALTER FILE NOT SET AND FLOAT NOTFOUND SHARE ANY FOR NOWAIT SIZE ARRAYLEN FROM NULL SMALLINT AS GRANT NUMBER SQLBUF ASC GROUP OF SUCCESSFUL AUDIT HAVING OFFLINE SYNONYM BETWEEN IDENTIFIED ON SYSDATE BY IMMEDIATE ONLINE TABLE CHAR IN OPTION THEN CHECK INCREMENT OR TO CLUSTER INDEX ORDER TRIGGER COLUMN INITIAL PCTFREE UID COMMENT INSERT PRIOR UNION COMPRESS INTEGER PRIVILEGES UNIQUE CONNECT INTERSECT PUBLIC UPDATE CREATE INTO RAW USER CURRENT IS RENAME VALIDATE DATE LEVEL RESOURCE VALUES DECIMAL LIKE REVOKE VARCHAR DEFAULT LOCK ROW VARCHAR2 DELETE LONG ROWID VIEW DESC MAXEXTENTS ROWLABEL WHENEVER DISTINCT MINUS ROWNUM WHERE DROP MODE ROWS WITH For this reason, you cannot use them to name database objects such as columns, oracle tables, or oracle indexes. That is, they have a special meaning to Oracle and so cannot be redefined. The following words are reserved by Oracle. (3) We get this query if use reserved word as the column name. The above error came as wrong column name was given Insert into example_tab (TEST_ID, NAME, TEST_LOCATION) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00904: "NAME": invalid identifier Insert into example_tab (TEST_ID, NAME, TEST_LOCATION) values(1000, 'TECH', 'EXAM1') Update example_tab set test_id=1000 where test_name = 'EXAM' * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00904: "ID": invalid identifier The above error came as wrong column name was givenĭelete example_tab where location = 'EXAM' ĭelete example_tab where location = 'EXAM' * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00904: "LOCATION": invalid identifier The above error came as wrong column name was given Update example_tab set id=1000 where test_name = 'EXAM' Select id ,test_location from example_tab * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00904: "ID": invalid identifier The above error came as wrong column name was given Select id ,test_location from example_tab (2) You are referring the column name which does not exists in select, update ,delete ,insert query CREATE TABLE EXAMPLE_TAB

Wansview app invalid id